Monday – Saturday, 8AM – 6PM | Monday – Saturday, 8AM – 6PM |

How We Did


Tell Us How We Did

At EMJ Cleaning Services, we’re committed to what we do. We do everything we can to make sure you stay with EMJ. To help ensure your satisfaction, please tell what we’re doing well and what areas we can improve on. We value your opinion, and want to do everything we can to retain you as a loyal, satisfied customer. Please indicate the answer that best reflects your feelings or situation. If a particular question does not apply to you, simply leave it blank.

  • How would you rate the quality of the following services by The EMJ:

  • General Feedback:

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Thank you for your time and participation!
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Don't stress over trying to keep your house clean.Let us do it for you!
  • Affordable Rates

  • Flexible Schedules

  • Happiness Guarantee

  • Hablamos Español

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