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House Cleaning Tips for Summer

tips for house cleaning

Summertime means vacations on the beach, playing outside with your family, biting into a ripe and juicy Georgia peach. We know the last thing on your mind is house cleaning. Don’t let the season spell doom for your home — here are some quick tips to keep it clean all summer long!

1.    Make a Checklist for Your Kids — with Rewards!

Let’s face it—your kids may never find an intrinsic reward from cleaning. Create a weekly calendar with chores to complete each morning before they are allowed to go outside or play video games and offer incentives or small rewards to them in exchange for their help.

Simple and easy jobs include making their beds, straightening up the kitchen or emptying the dishwasher, or putting away games and toys. Once their weekly checklist is complete, offer them something special. Offer praise for a job well done and base the reward on the chores completed. Let your kids build their allowance by offering small rewards for each individual chore so that the more they do, the more they earn.

2.    Leave Shoes at the Door

A sure way spread dirt and grime throughout your house is keeping your shoes on after playing outside. Heavy-duty outdoor play means shoes coasted in dirt or mud, grass and grime. Encourage everyone — including adults! — to take off their shoes before entering the house to keep your floors clean and reduce extra allergens that may be tracked indoors. This simple habit could add a few years to your carpet or floor’s lifespan.

3.    Practice Good Hygiene

It’s extra important to try and keep hands clean during the summer months, especially for kids who spend a lot of time playing outside. Busy hands that play in dirt can spread germs fast. No one wants to be sick during summer vacation, so encourage thorough hand-washing after sports, playing outdoors and swimming. Regularly disinfect common surfaces, too, like countertops and door knobs.

Keeping your home clean and inviting is easy, especially when you have handy helpers who want to get involved. Find the tasks your kids like to do most and encourage them to participate in caring for shared spaces in your home. Make it a fun family project with music or dancing to show them cleaning isn’t always a drag!

Photo credit: © Monkey Business/Photoxpress



jordy cano

jordy cano

Jordy is the "J" in "EMJ Cleaning Services". They began as a small, one-team crew, which became more successful than they ever imagined. He makes sure home and business owners receive high-quality cleaning services and is dedicated to customer satisfaction.


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